19 January 2014

Not that we had realized the importance of this time; but standing at this virtual horizon where on one side we can see ourselves dragged into our personal lives and professional worlds that we - ourselves have only created. And on other side there are these two years filled with lots of emotions, lots of pride, lots of fun, lots of love and many more things that anyone would for sure want to cherish and we are no exception.

And finally, the day has come that we say good-bye to our own DA-IICT, just after the 10th Convocation Ceremony. Still that moment is remembered when we had placed the very first foot step inside the lovely campus and we still have to figure out how easily it can be so close to heart that we had started believing it as our “Home”. The heart becomes heavy when we all are facing this moment at once as it has given us everything that - a hostel life, a post-graduate life, a student life - can give to a person.

Today also, sitting on a workplace, when we recall how we have spent these two years; only two things come across the mind. First very rapidly we sink into the past, we cherish all those pretty moments, all the mischievous things we did and there is this simple smile takes the place on our face. And then the very next moment it is realized that gone are the days that we had such amazing time. It leaves an irresistible void.

Even though everything seems to be going well in life as planned, even though we do socialize along with our colleagues and hang around in the Weekend’s free time; but still somewhere deep down within us, a part of us still craves for going back into time and wants that life should just be like the old times with friends around beyond the work pressure where there’s no tension, there’re no people playing politics around, there’s no sense of worry being a kid in your very own campus, where you don’t worry about the work ethics and your outer persona in front of the world. So basically, the heart still cries for that time to be spent again and again. This very long-lasting effect that DA-IICT has placed upon us is so full of vigor that I guess no-one have been able to escape from it and I think it will stay with each of us being just like a part of our soul forever knowing that the time is going to come Not Any More !

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